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Writer's pictureBailey Merlin

Autumn of Anything Goes


Me wearing a piece of clothing that makes me incredibly uncomfortable.

I haven’t written lately. It hasn’t been for a lack of trying or desire. I’ve been simultaneously busy and bored out of my fucking mind. But let’s forget all that. Let’s move on and into something wonderful together. My spring was a tsunami of sorrow. My summer was restorative and transformative (is that even a word?). My autumn is going to be the part of my life where I turn into a bomb ass bitch. Gone is the Summer of Yes. Welcome, Autumn of Anything Goes.

Since Paris, I’ve stagnated. I’ll accept that. I soared on that travel high for weeks. I cooked French food, I taught my sisters French phrases, I wrote. It was great. Full of confidence, I started looking for a job in earnest. And then the weeks kept on dragging and dragging and dragging. I thought moving to Boston without a job would be the fire I needed, but it never panned out. Instead, I was left watching everything on Netflix, drinking too much coffee, and really throwing off my sleep cycle.

Luck, though, has a habit of changing. No one is left drifting in the wind forever, including me. I’ve been published in two journals in the past month, finished my thesis, and now find myself with an interview at a prestigious school in Boston (I won’t say which one as to not jinx myself). I’m trying new things. I’m scared and excited. It’s going to be a wonderful rest of the year.

Rules for the Autumn of Anything Goes:

  1. Do one thing a week that scares you.

  2. Do not put up with anyone who doesn’t improve your life.

  3. Do help others as much as possible.

  4. Do find ways to be bold.

  5. Do be a bomb ass bitch.


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