In the interest of full disclosure, I forgot that I’ve done a yearly wrap for many years. It’s strange to think that some of you have read those wraps. Some of you may know me better than my family. It’s special to me, so thank you for being here. This year, more so than any other year, was busy. In 2021, I asked for a powerful transformation, and, honey, I got it.
If 2021 was a Hanged Man year, 2022 was full of Death. Fortunately, it wasn’t literal Death. As I often tell my clients, getting the Death card in a reading isn’t scary. It’s a rite of passage. Change is uncomfortable, sure, but it’s natural. Death brings you to a new reality. For the individual, this means becoming a new version of yourself. If you don’t fight the change, the new version is healthier, happier, and stronger in some form or another.
I did a lot of changing this year, perhaps feeling even more pressured to do so because my thirtieth birthday is in June. There’s a lot of pressure for women to shine in their twenties because the world views them as less valuable as they age. I know this isn’t right and that it seems to be changing, but it’s hard to shake the fear of aging. My hope is that once thirty comes and goes, there will be less anxiety around getting things done.
But why bother with all this anxiety when 2022 was an incredible year? Let me pack that up for later and share this instead. This year, I:
Got married to an incredible human being.
Found a publisher for my novel, which will be published in May 2023!
Hosted an amazing wedding created and attended by our loved ones.
Accepted into a new master’s program at Harvard Medical School.
Awarded a dean’s scholarship to help with tuition.
Celebrated more holidays that resonated with my spirit.
Saw more of my family and friends in Boston.
Got a promotion at work.
Learned a lot more about health inequity and found a focus for my thesis.
Went on a beautiful honeymoon with my new spouse.
Saw Phantom of the Opera in New York before it closed.
Traveled to meet our friends around the country and abroad.
Wrote a lot more for work, and went a little viral.
Started making content on TikTok without feeling dumb about it (@bamaram_merlin)
Ate a lot of really good food.
Had my worldview shifted by the places I visited.
Felt a little lost and tried to feel okay with it.
A lot is going on right now, and my goal next year is to have my book, A Lot of People Live in This House, go out into the world and find success. More updates to come on that, I promise, as it would mean a lot for me for you to read it. Funny how still life seemed last year. I was in the flow the whole time. I wish you and yours a lot of peace in 2023.